Kanopy Help

Displaying closed captions, subtitles, and transcripts

Displaying closed captions or subtitles

To enable closed captions or subtitles while watching a film, select the captions button icon in the bottom-right corner of the video player.

closed captioning icon

You can also enable captions by clicking the setting button icon to open Settings, then clicking Subtitles. Select a subtitle language, or select "Off" to disable captions and subtitles. Click Subtitle Styles to customize the appearance of subtitles and captions.

captions toggle

Displaying transcripts

To enable transcripts while watching a film, select the transcript button icon in the bottom-right corner of the video player.

enable transcripts icon

This will open the "Transcript" window. As the film plays, the transcript will advance automatically. You can also manually scroll within the transcript.

Updated: 04 March 2025 03:30 PM

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