Video player features

When you find a title that you'd like to watch, select Play on the title's details page to open the video player.

Diagram showing the video player buttons (from left to right) in Kanopy. The buttons are explained in the list below.

These buttons appear at the bottom of the player:

  1. play pause button Start or pause the video.
  2. seek back 10 seconds button Rewind 10 seconds.
  3. seek forward 10 seconds button Fast-forward 10 seconds.
  4. playback rate button Adjust the playback speed.
  5. volume button Click to mute or unmute the video, or hover and move the slider to adjust the volume level.
  6. captions button Turn subtitles on or off.
  7. enable transcripts button Open a panel displaying a transcript of the video, when available.
  8. settings button Open the settings menu, where you can enable subtitles, select a different subtitle language, or change the audio language. Subtitle and audio languages vary by title.

These icons appear across the top of the player.

  1. back button Go back to the previous page.
  2. picture-in-picture button Enable picture-in-picture. While using picture-in-picture, tap the center of the video to pause or play. Select a button in the top right corner to: return to the standard view, switch to fullscreen, or close the video.
  3. fullscreen button Enter or exit full screen mode.

Moving the slider in the progress bar allows you to jump to a specific point in the video. The elapsed time appears next to your current position. Time remaining is shown at the right of the progress bar.

Note: The progress bar and player buttons are visible whenever your cursor is moving or resting over the bar.

Updated: 25 June 2024 09:24 AM

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